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Four Noble Truths
The Law of Attraction

1) Whatever is going on in your mind you are attracting to you. You attract what you think about the most. What you focus on you will get.

This is a no-brainer in Law of Attraction land. The basic tenet is that you want to attract mostly good stuff and not much (if any) of the bad stuff. So, this is what you do: Train yourself to notice when you are talking trash to yourself or when you are negatively focusing on something. After this, determine which garden variety trash you are talking to yourself. It will be either some lack in your life (money, love, perfect health, good chocolate, etc.) or some fear (death, dementia, cancer, love handles, etc.). The important part here is the noticing, because if you don't even know when you are doing it, then you haven't a prayer of fixing it.

After you notice what you are thinking about, then you replace that nasty no-good thought with a positive Norman Vincent Peale thought. Because if you don't, the Universe, god bless her, will give you exactly what you appear to be asking for which is really what you don't want. So you want to train yourself to order the nice Nordstrom event rather than the cheap & creepy event from Wal-Mart. It's really just a habit - thinking the correct thoughts.

"You create your own universe as you go along." Winston Churchill

2) Don't focus on what you don't want. Most people are thinking about what they don't want and that is what they are attracting. The more you talk and think about what you don't want the more you create it.

Let's say that you are continually saying to yourself "I don't want to get colon cancer." And let's say also that you are especially fearful of getting colon cancer because your great uncle on your mother's side died of it. So not only are you saying I don't want colon cancer; you are also imbuing your statement with enormous dread and fear, which doubles your trouble.

This is important: The Universe does not hear a negative. In other words, when you say "I don't want to get cancer," what the eternally positive Universe is hearing is "I want to get cancer." And since the Universe is here to please, it gets going right away to fulfill your desires. So, never, never say for example, "I (really don't) want to have a heart attack", or "I (never) want to have breast cancer", or "I (am so afraid that I) will get Alzheimer's disease." because if you dialogue this way with yourself, you will be on your way to manifesting your worst fear. As one of my friends likes to quote "Your worst fear becomes your most fervent prayer" and she's right.

Instead, when you find yourself obsessing about the colon cancer, or whatever your personal big deal is, say something like "I am very healthy now and I will continue to be healthy in the future." I have a wonderful ten minute visualization process that I do at the end of each Cleansing and Weight Loss class which supports the health of the entire body. Ask me for a copy next time you are in.

"All that we are is a result of what we have thought." Buddha.

3) Our body is the product of our thought. Thoughts become things.

This is an extension of number two. Let's say you look in the mirror and say to yourself how fat you are, how out of shape you are, how big your tummy is, or how bad and unhealthy you look. Since our body is the product of our thought and thoughts become things, we are continually shaping our bodies, our health and yes, even our future just by what kind of conversations we have with ourselves.

Start making friends with yourself. If your heart or your bowels are giving you fits, stop complaining and love whatever part of yourself appears to be less than ideal. If you think your tummy is too big, place your hands on your tummy and tell your tummy that you love it and thank it for being there for you and for helping you digest your food. Tell your tummy that it's fine just the way it is and ask it to be its most perfect weight, size and shape.

I know this sounds preposterous and silly, but this stuff works. Try it.

4) If you are thinking about how bad it is, then you are creating more of the bad.

What if you are already sick? Say you have something not so serious or life threatening such as bronchitis or a canker sore or an achy gut. First thing, just stop thinking about how bad you feel and start developing around and within you an aura of well-being, of "can-do", of trusting that the supplements or the pharmaceuticals you are taking will work along with your intention to heal yourself.

This can apply to weight, too. Or money. Or your marriage. Many of you say, "Oh, god, I am so fat." Or "I am so poor." Or, "S/he doesn't understand me." The Universe of course is hearing, "Oh, god, I am so fat and I love it." Or "I really like not having money and being poor." And "S/he doesn't understand me and that's the way it's supposed to be." Because the Universe wants to please you, it will organize your life so that you will keep your weight on and you will continue to create drama around money and your marriage.

Instead try statements like these: "I am my perfect weight" or "I am eating the perfect foods now to support me being my perfect and healthy weight." Or, "Money comes easily and frequently." Or, "I am tapping into the endless abundance that is available to me." Or, "It's on its way to being fixed," or "Everything goes right for me." If you converse with yourself more positively, you will get where you want to go.

"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions." Einstein

I will be out of the office from the 24th January until the 31st, then again from February 12th through the 15th. If you have an emergency of some sort while I am gone and need chiropractic or nutritional help, you can call Dr. Craig Reese at 303-447-1300 and he will help you.

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