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Who's Doing the Healing Here?

I've often been puzzled if not outright skeptical about people who claim to "heal" others. And at the same time, I have often puzzled over my role in the doctor-patient relationship. Although I know that I have a talent for ferreting out problems - and through the many years I have been practicing have learned through trial, error, tons of research, muscle testing and yes, intuition, what might work to turn the tide of the illness, condition, dis-ease presented to me - I have never thought of myself as a "healer." And I feel decidedly uncomfortable when someone calls me one.

That "healer" thing sounds fishy to me. And a bit condescending. This is kind of like I am claiming to be a modern day Merlin waving my wand over you, the sick person, and through some Miracle of Myself expecting to cure you. I don't think that way. That's fodder for T.V. and doesn't belong in my office.

Or, maybe you are a little baby who is neither able to take care of yourself nor take responsibility for yourself and suddenly I, the doctor, am put in the role of your mother, We know how that would work. (not)

Or, maybe you are a pathetic incompetent straight out of Tennessee Williams who can't do for herself and must depend on the kindness of strangers.

No, no and no. I think of my patients as being brilliant, capable and able to achieve anything within the realm of any possibility they might imagine and I envision myself merely as the facilitator or perhaps the "Helpful Effector" of said possibilities.

It's not me that's healing you. It's really you that's healing you. Or, if you like, you and I together are healing you. You could say that our relationship is the crucible within which the healing is taking place I suppose you could call me the person with the knowledge of natural medicine and I suppose we could call you the person of trust and the willing receiver of the knowledge I will be offering to you. You then sift it through your consciousness as we both fervently pray that you will find the pearl which will assist you in the healing of yourself.

"In my opinion anyone who claims to be able to heal others is either ignorant, mistaken, arrogant or delusional. All they are doing is providing the resonant energy to allow others to heal themselves." Quantum Touch, Richard Gordon, p18.

I know many of you are, by now, working yourselves up into a high dudgeon thinking of all the healers in the world today: Like this guy John in Peru who apparently heals people from really serious stuff, often thrusting his knife-like fingers into tumors, dragging the bloody tumors out of the "healed" bodies and into a room full of eager acolytes dressed in white.

Or those hokey Philippine psychic healers with their endless quantities of fresh and dripping chicken guts, thrusting their hands into stomachs and brains, magically extracting tumors (or maybe chicken guts) from the patient.

Or, there is a comatose little girl in New Jersey, surrounded by many statues of Jesus with pained expressions each of whom cries copious amounts of healing rose oil to be sold in small vials. Apparently, people line up to see her and claim to be healed just by her presence. Then there is Lourdes, and the list goes on.

I would be the last to deny that some of these people get well: It happens to be their way, they believe it, and it happens. They heal themselves.

Regardless of the method and the amount of chicken guts and knife-like fingers, it is still you who are doing the healing, not John from Peru or Jose from the Philippines or the little comatose girl from New Jersey or Dr. Bea from Boulder. Or the radiation. Or the chemotherapy.

I've been called a witch doctor, but to date have not employed the chicken gut shuck and jive yet. However, I might stoop to Barnum and Bailey or David Copperfield if I thought it would get my job done better. O.K. Not really. I get the job done with just me and my intention, and you and your intention, plus your willingness to resonate in a healing relationship with me.

You are effecting your own healing, at all times, without exception. It is an awesome responsibility, at once terrifying and ultimately freeing.

"Who is the physician? Only the mind of the patient herself. The outcome is what she decides that it is. Special agents seem to be ministering to her, yet they but give form to her own choice. She chooses them in order to bring tangible form to her desires. And it is this they do and nothing more." A Course in Miracles, Manual for Teachers, p18

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