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Stealth Poisons ll

Last time in Hot News we discussed all the stealth poisons which surround us - creepily inundating us with DNA-affecting chemicals and heavy metals - while we blithely whistle a happy tune and make our way through what on the surface appears to be a safe existence. However, those of us in the know realize that lurking underneath that beautiful sunny day which started with a gorgeous orange sunrise and ended with softly falling spring rain is the spectre of ubiquitous and harmful poisons, of the health hazards inherent in tainted air and rain, of the chemical cocktails we all carry within our bodies.

Last time in Hot News we discussed all the stealth poisons which surround us - creepily inundating us with DNA-affecting chemicals and heavy metals - while we blithely whistle a happy tune and make our way through what on the surface appears to be a safe existence.

However, those of us in the know realize that lurking underneath that beautiful sunny day which started with a gorgeous orange sunrise and ended with softly falling spring rain is the spectre of ubiquitous and harmful poisons, of the health hazards inherent in tainted air and rain, of the chemical cocktails we all carry within our bodies.

NEWS2: The Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta just finished a large study costing $6.5 million consisting of 2,500 volunteers where they focused on determining the prevalence of the "body burden" of 116 chemical contaminants. Not surprisingly (to me anyway) the researchers turned up all 116 pollutants which included 13 heavy metals, 14 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (combustion residue from, say, burning dumps) and 10 byproducts of organophosphate pesticides.

The study results also indicated that about 425,000 children nationwide have dangerously elevated body burdens of lead and since children are smaller and more vulnerable with still-maturing nervous systems, they are more likely to be harmed by this burden than adults. They are also closer to the floor and ground and are more likely to transfer harmful chemicals to their mouths for ingestion. N.B. Many Chinese babies are now being adopted by Moms and Dads in the USA and many of these children come with extremely high amounts of lead in their bodies. These babies need to be checked out for lead toxicity. Spread the word. "But enough already with all the bad news. I know that environmental poisons are a given so stop beating the dead horse here and tell me what to do!"

First, we must DETERMINE where we are getting excess toxins. Second, we must ELIMINATE as best we can the source of toxins. Third, we must DETOXIFY said toxins from our bodies. Lastly, we must PROTECT ourselves always from toxins.

For step one, you could ask yourself the following questions to DETERMINE where you are getting your toxins: Is your car muffler working right? Did you just varnish some floors? Did you just get a new couch or bed? Do you live near a freeway? Do you eat non-organic food? Do you use non-organic personal products? Do you drink tap water? Are there any smells that you are aware of in your home or at work? Do you work on a computer a lot? Do you sleep in a toxic environment eg. electric blanket, plugged in water bed, TV in the bedroom? Do you eat any food from a bag, box, can, jar or wrapper?

For step two, ELIMINATE as much of the poisons in your life as is possible. For example, get a good filter for your water. Don't ever drink tap water. Unplug the TV in your bedroom and make sure you aren't sleeping in a chemical fog at night. For example, stop using Downey to soften your sheets and try to buy organic cotton sheets. Certainly not polyester, please.

If there is something you can't change, like a new couch or bed or if you have just moved into a new home or if your job requires that you sit in front of a computer for 8 hours a day, then you must protect yourself in other, more selective ways. Here are a few ideas: You could carefully ozonate your environment which will neutralize the chemicals and kill pathogens; you could remove said offending poisonous objects like paint cans and chemicals from under the kitchen sink; you could take supporting nutrition to allow your poor overworked liver perform its daily detoxification functions (over 200 per day); you could purchase a Q-link(Click on drbea.com/Handouts/Healthy Living) to neutralize the EMF's that you are getting from your computer screen.

You could do more: Make a pledge to yourself that you will eat only organic food. Support your local Farmer's Market. Feed your children only organic foods. "Children who eat organically grown fruits and vegetables have only 1/6 the concentrations of organophosphate pesticide byproducts in their urine than children who eat conventionally grown produce." (Environmental Health Perspective, 3/03)

Remove your toxic lifestyle factors like sugar, alcohol, soft drinks, partial hydrogenates and any foods to which you may be sensitive. Are you certain those prescription drugs are necessary? Because they put an enormous strain on your liver. Maybe it is time to review them with your M.D. Start changing your household and personal products to more healthy ones. Stop shopping at conventional grocery stores altogether - this way you will be forced to buy more healthful food and products.

Thirdly, make an appointment with me to see what your body needs to DETOXIFY in order to reduce the chemical fog/stew you are living in 24/7. Quite often a round of neutraceuticals will help you jazz up your liver so that it will be able to do its job better. For example, I might test you for nutrition like mixed aminos, glycine, glutathione, alpha lipoic acid, vitamin C, biotin, selenium. We will see which ones work for you in particular. As you know, there is an enormous amount of biochemical individuality, so that while your neighbor may need glutathione and vitamin C to detox excess formaldehyde, you may require NAC, glycine and selenium. It's important to find out which nutrition is most specific and sensitive for you and we won't know until we test you.

I may also suggest saunas which are extremely effective in the detoxification of chemicals; short fasts, acupuncture, detoxifying baths, skin brushing, special diets and always - lots and lots of water. "Dilution is the solution to pollution." (Sherry Rogers, M.D.)

It is also important to find out which of your organ systems is faltering in the detoxification pathway. It is usually your liver, but could be your large intestine, blood and lymph system, kidneys, lungs or skin. In conclusion: We have found out where you are getting poisoned, gotten rid of whatever we determined was poisoning you with specific nutrition designed just for you and we have detoxed your body of the stagnant wastes and toxins collected over the years.

Now, all we have to do is to PROTECT you against further insult and injury. Let's make a very long subject short and sweet: Take a prophylactic dose of your specific nutrition, keep your liver and bowel healthy by promoting liver and bowel elimination (never allow yourself to become constipated) sleep well and rest enough, exercise adequately, make time for peace and quiet in your life and see me every 3 to 4 months to make sure you haven't gotten yourself into a mess again.

Always, always try to reduce your environmental toxic load which will slowly but surely reduce the toxic stress on your body. This is a case where even the minutest changes will benefit you. Every little effort counts in this game. CHECK OUT THE APRIL NEWSLETTER!

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